Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ji-Li Jiang-Character

In "Red Scarf Girl" the main character of the book is Ji-Li Jiang. She is a chinese and a twelve year old who lives in the city of Shanghai. Ji-Li Jiang is a student who gets good grades and is pretty much "rich" compared to many of her classmates. She lives with her parents, grandmother, her 2 siblings, and their housekeeper. Even though Ji-Li Jiang is a good student, due to the cultural revolution, her dreams have been crushed because of her family background and now her life is changed. Up to now, she is still trying to get used to the new ways and takes responsibilities in her family.


HahnjiJ said...

This sounds like a really interesting book! Is it set in China? i remember when i first moved to korea getting used to new things and thats what it sounds like Ji-Li Jiang is going through even though she hasn't moved just the culture around her has changed.

BeccaR said...

Hey Pauline!!♥

This is a great description of the "character" of Ji-li Jiang. Her life is so difficult and different compared to ours. I mean she's rich,...but the people in that time don't really think of that as good and she's treated so different because of her grandfather. I think you did a really good job of covering all of the different aspects in her life. Her trouble and features and family and personality and all that. It really makes me want to read this book (but I am reading it!) haha

Great Job! See Ya Tomorrow!=)