Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Courageous Moment

One of my courageous moments were when my cousins, siblings, and I were at my grandpa's hotel swimming. At that time I was about 9 years old and I wasn't that good at swimming. Neither were any of my siblings or cousins. We were playing a game when one of my siblings were crying out for help. She was at a deep part of the pool and was starting to drown. I panicked and didn't know what to do. In my head, I was thinking to myself that I would drown if I went to help. But then again, she was my sibling and everyone else were panicking, looking for someone. Since no one was there, I swam as best as I could to my sister and reached for her. When she grabbed me, I could feel myself sinking slowly, but I kept on swimming and didn't give up. Finally, I reached a shallow part of the pool and let her down. By the time we were there, my aunt, grandpa, and my uncle had come and I was exhausted from paddling so much. My sister thanked me and everyone told me how proud they were. I was so proud of myself for not giving up and now, I always save my siblings from drowning.


BeccaR said...

That's a cute story!! You were so brave! I love your blog with all the pink in it. lol So, have you saved anyone else from drowning lately?? jkjk

luv ya♥

ChristinaY said...

pauline u are so brave!! haha
u always save ur siblings from drowning now? lol
that was a cute post~~~ ;]
ive saved my lil sister from drowning before too~
but i dont think it counts because it wasnt that was just deep for her~ lol
and she was panicking too much..haha anyways
nice blog post!!
luv ya tons~!!! =D

Hannah Lavender said...

Hey Pauline!!

Wow! You showed so much courage in this story! I don't know if I would have done that!! I'm not a very good swimmer either:):):) lol just doggie paddle=D haha Well, I think that this is a really great example of someone showing courage!! Great job!!


A Ok jEnn said...

That is so sweet of you~~~~
You always have courage when it comes to friends and family and i think that is cool!!! Your a hero!!!! Thats so awesome how you got over your fear!! such a great sister~~
keep up the courage<<<<<
<3 Jennifer xp