Monday, March 24, 2008

Red Scarf Girl~Setting

The setting of this book takes place in Shanghai, China in a "nice" house of Ji-Li and her family. She was basically under the catergory of "rich" in that period of time. Ji-Li and her family had many things in their house that they valued, but as soon as the Cultural Revolution starts, they lost everything. Ji-Li was just 12 in that year of 1966 and was going through hard times because of her family background during the "CR." When the "CR" began, a new rule was set up for the "four-olds" and were replaced by the "four-news." Because of this, all of Ji-Li's dreams and hopes were crushed and she began to feel lost and ashamed.


JenniferY said...

Nice description of the setting!!! You really described it well. Well, since i'm reading the same book I can't really make a text to text. So, i'll just praise your work. I think that how you didn't make it boring was a good thing~~ Also, the generalization was really good.

I feel like somehow i'm like a teacher praising her favorite student...=P

Samantha's Reading Shack said...

Great job on the setting!

Your setting analysis just gripped the point and .... great! I love your blog! How'd you get the background???

I never knew that we were reading the same book, too~
Nway, great posts!