Wednesday, May 7, 2008

4.a) Foreshadowing: Why does Mr. Frank break down when he sees the glove?

Mr. Frank breaks down when he sees the glove because it reminds him of the past and all of the memories he had in the secret annex. I guess that the glove resembled something to him that made him emotionally hurt. From my perspective, the white glove was probably a memory of his family. Since the white glove was a woman's, it probably reminded him of his wife and his 2 daughters. H eprobably went back to all the times in the secret annex. So the white glove is basically like a time machine that takes him back to the time of the Holocaust where he and his family and friends have spent their time together, hiding in the secret annex. The white glove connects with many of his memories which caused him to break down.


lienchingC said...

Im agree with you.
I think the glove reminds him his hard time living in the secret Annex. and his memorise live with his family and others who lived together with him.

PhatBaby said...

yeah it must be hard losing your 2 daughters and wife I would've broken dowm.