Thursday, May 8, 2008

6) Why are ther so many books, movies, documentaries, etc. about the Holocaust? Why do we keep retelling this story?

I think that there are so many books, movies, documentaries, etc. about the Holocaust because this event has made a huge impact on many of the present Jews and even their history. All of this information is available so that people nationwide know what the Jews had gone through and all the hardships that they faced. With all this information, people can understand the situation that the Jews were in. It is here for us to learn about it and understand the prejudice that is going on around the world. We keep retelling this story because it has been a very significant event that happened that has been recorded into the Jews' history. We are retold this story so that we know what kinds of challenges the Jews faced everyday and also to provide more information about it. With this knowledge, it makes me regret complaining about things when other people in the world were in more harsh situations. This makes me feel so thankful for how blessed me and my community are to live in a society like we do today.

1 comment:

A Ok jEnn said...

WEell I agree with your opinion and I like the way you mentioned prejudice from the past and the present. And the ethnicity how it affected people is stated, but I think you can extend this matter and put some more feeling into your blog response but still relevantly you have done quite of a good job.
<3 you